
What is Heart Palpitations? Causes of Heart Palpitations and Treatment Methods

What is Heart Palpitations? Causes of Heart Palpitations and Treatment Methods - Health Credit News
What is Heart Palpitations? Causes of Heart Palpitations and Treatment Methods
It may be a result of heart palpitations, excitement, stress, fast running or excessive consumption of caffeine, or may be a symptom of arrhythmia. The condition in which the heart palpitation is dangerous should be determined by the cardiologists. Specialists at the Department of Cardiology of Memorial Hospital provided information on the symptoms and detection of heart palpitations and the detection and treatment of heart rhythm disorders.

What is Heart Palpitations?

You may say, hızlı I have a heart palpitation zaman when your heart rate is felt faster or more disturbing than normal. In the case of heart palpitations (tachycardia), which is seen as an increase in heart rate from the upper limit of 100 to 140, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Causes Heart Palpitations?

In order to determine the causes of heart palpitation, which is seen as a rise in heart rate above 140, ECO test, thyroid tests and blood tests should be investigated for anemia. These tests can be used to determine whether heart palpitations are caused by excitement, stress, fast running or excessive consumption of caffeine (sinus tachycardia) or cardiac arrhythmia (arrhythmic tachycardia).

The use of 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) method during the palpitation is of great importance in determining the quality of heart palpitations. When cardiac arrhythmia (arrhythmic tachycardia) is detected, electrophysiological study of the heart's electrical activities is controlled for further treatment. In further treatment, the heart palpitation (arrhythmic tachycardia) should be established in the laboratory and it should be understood where it originates and how it occurs.

Heart Palpitations Treatment

Ilk The first answer to the question ’Heart palpitations (arrhythmic tachycardia), how is it treated? Olarak verilebilir can be answered as the destruction of the abnormal heart tissue that causes this condition. This treatment is called ablation. Ablation, which is very important in the treatment of heart palpitations, can be performed with the help of long thin instruments called catheters. The catheter is advanced into the heart through the groin. The location of the catheter in the heart can be monitored by x-rays (fluoroscopy). The tip of the catheter is connected to the recorder and intracardiac ECG recordings are taken and the palpable focus is found. Then, the radio frequency energy is destroyed by catheter and this region is destroyed and thus the responsible focus is removed. Ablation can achieve over 90% success in most rhythm disorders. With this method, heart palpitations are eliminated and patients get rid of using drugs for life.

Heart Palpitations Causes Which Diseases?

If your heart rate is accelerating or decelerating, you may have a rhythm disturbance in your heart if you feel that your heart will be dislodged at times. In healthy adults, the heart beats 60-100 times per minute and these beats occur in a certain order. It can be called “arrhythmia esi when a person normally feels his / her heart beat in an uncomfortable way. For example, while running, climbing stairs, when we get excited or under emotional stress, we notice the acceleration of our heartbeat; If the person feels heart beats for no reason, this may mean that there is a problem with the heart. Deceleration in the heart may be an indicator of blockage in the conduction system and its treatment is performed with permanent pacemakers; of Radiofrequency ablation ”is used in the treatment of arrhythmias with unreasonable acceleration of the heart.

If you have a rhythm disorder, you should also be careful of the risk of stroke. Atrial fibrillation (AF), ie abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia, may increase the risk of stroke by 4-5 times, even if no other heart disease, such as heart valve diseases, is underlying. Approximately one third of all strokes are due to arrhythmia. In addition, stroke due to arrhythmia has a more severe course and is more lethal. Stroke frequency increases with age in arrhythmia. Many factors other than age increase the risk of stroke with arrhythmia. For example, arrhythmia, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, previous stroke, transient ischemic attack or other vascular disease history, such as female gender are the most important risk factors that increase this risk.

What are the Symptoms of Arrhythmia?

The most common symptom of arrhythmia is palpitation. In addition, the feeling of misfire, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, darkening of the eye, nausea, feeling of distress in the chest, pressure or pain, enk syncope ifade is expressed among the common symptoms. In case of one or more of these symptoms, arrhythmia should be suspected and consult the specialist. As soon as you feel such changes in your heart, you should go to the nearest health facility and have your heart electrocuted. In this way, the type of arrhythmia can be determined and thus the most appropriate treatment method can be selected. However, if electrocardiography could not be taken during heart palpitations, the rhythm showing the rhythm of the heart in a certain time period can be performed as “Holter“. In addition to these methods in the diagnosis of arrhythmia; “Transtelefonic holter ve and implantable recording devices can also be used.


What are the causes of cardiac arrhythmia?

Some medications used in the treatment of asthma and colds, tea, coffee and stress arrhythmia in individuals with a predisposition to arrhythmia has a triggering effect. If the person has a genetic predisposition, arrhythmia may also occur if he or she is experiencing major sorrow or stress. Arrhythmia associated with advanced heart failure and cardiovascular disease may even be the cause of death.

Lifestyle affects arrhythmia. According to this;

• The person's lifestyle has an impact on heart rhythm. Factors such as eating habits, sleep patterns, active or sedentary life may trigger a rhythm disorder.
• Consumption of energy drinks can cause severe rhythm disturbances. However, this is a temporary situation.
• Electrolyte imbalance conditions; It is caused by the deterioration of levels of sodium, potassium and magnesium in the blood and causes rhythm disturbance. When the electrolyte balance is maintained, the problem of arrhythmia will disappear.
• It is very important for all our children to be directed to a sports branch starting from primary school period for a healthy life. It is very important for those who will start sports at an advanced age to choose a branch that suits him and his age and do sports for one hour a day in terms of regulating the heart rhythm. Especially walking and swimming are the best sports for arrhythmia.
• All risks that may lead to heart disease are also a risk for arrhythmia. Fatty, hypertension, obesity, and coronary artery problems around the belly and waist are the most common causes of arrhythmia. The waist circumference exceeding 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women poses a significant risk of triggering heart disease and arrhythmias.
• Hypertension is one of the most common causes of arrhythmia. In addition, coronary heart diseases, high cholesterol and sugar can cause important heart diseases such as rhythm disorder; eliminating these risks will also eliminate the problem of arrhythmia.

How is Heart Arrhythmia Treated?

Arrhythmia can be controlled by drug therapy and interventional therapy. In cases that cannot be successful with drug therapy, an interventional application called “radiofrequency ablation yapılan, which is done by the patient's leg vein or sometimes the leg arteries, is treated with rhythm disorder. The success rate of this method varies from 70% to 99%. The aim is to eliminate the mechanism or focus that causes the palpitation by using radiofrequency energy.

Rhythm Disorder in Newborn Babies!

Rhythm disorder may occur in newborns due to congenital heart diseases. The deterioration of the mother's heart rhythm may negatively affect the baby's feeding and development according to the degree of arrhythmia. For this reason, physical examination and ECO to be made at the time of birth or within a few days of the infants provide an early diagnosis of future arrhythmia problems and other heart diseases. If a congenital heart disease is detected in the baby, treatment is carried out in the early period by taking precautions accordingly.

Early Diagnosis in Rhythm Disorder Saves Lives!

Early control and treatment of arrhythmia prevents the problem from reaching fatal dimensions for the patient. For this, children should be examined by a cardiologist at the beginning of kindergarten. Especially in kindergarten and elementary school examinations, ECG and ECO can prevent future sudden deaths due to rhythm disturbances in sports fields such as football and basketball; people may be prevented from going to heart failure, which may occur even in their 20s.

Customized Treatments for Rhythm Disorder…

Some rhythm disorders are treated with radical methods called l ablation ve and never repeat. However, more than 60% of rhythm disorders lack radical treatment. Some of them have to be treated with drugs for years or for life. Some of the treatment is also possible with pacemakers. The patient with pacemaker should also be kept under constant control. The patient who has rhythm disorder must be followed up by a cardiologist about the subject of arrhythmia. Since some rhythm disorders can be caused by an underlying disease, the problem of rhythm disorder is solved after treatment of these diseases.

10 Questions and Answers About Rhythm Disorder (Arrhythmia)

What are the symptoms of Rhythm Disorder? How do we know that we have such a disease?

If you experience symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, restlessness, and vomiting or even fainting, you may have a rhythm disorder in your heart.

How does the heart work nonstop?

The part of the heart that provides non-stop rhythmic beats is the power plant called “sinus node an which consists of specialized cells in the right atrium of the heart. This power plant is like a very long lasting battery. Generates electrical energy. This energy spreads to the whole heart in certain ways and starts and controls the electrical movement followed by mechanical movement, that is, the tightening and opening of the heart muscles. This center is the center of the heart. The heart acts as a pump and provides blood circulation within the body. Resting, adult heart rate 50 / min. to 90 / min. must be between. It can go down to 40 / min while sleeping, for example 130-140 / min when climbing the stairs at high speed. can reach high values ​​such as

How does the heart rhythm deteriorate? What are the causes of arrhythmia?

The rhythm of the heart is impaired either by malfunctions in the heart's management center, interruptions in the conduction paths or excess conduction pathways, or the movement of the cell population anywhere in the heart to its own head without listening. In this case, heartbeats may begin to beat irregularly, slow down (bradycardia) or very fast (tachycardia). Some diseases involving the heart muscle, such as myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, may damage the cells in the administration center, or cells damaged in another area may lose their normal function and form stray rhythms. . Tachycardia in hyperthyroidism and anemia (anemia), bradycardia and blocks in hypothyroidism are common rhythm disorders. In coronary insufficiencies, bradycardia and blocks, infarct or ischemia from the ischemia areas of the heart muscle are among the most important and common rhythm disorders due to insufficient feeding of the rhythm center. Some malfunctions in the deep side transmission paths may be congenital. These tachycardias can be treated radically by RF catheter ablation after electrophysiological procedure. Severe bradycardia or blocks can be treated by inserting a pacemaker.

What difficulties are there in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia?

Rhythm disorders are very diverse, so their treatments vary greatly and some are life-threatening. Therefore, making the right diagnosis is very important in the treatment of the disease. Sometimes patients can take drugs unnecessarily for long years, and sometimes they can be lost because they do not receive appropriate treatment. Arrhythmia patients should be evaluated very carefully, if any, the main cause of rhythm disorder should be identified and treatment should be planned accordingly.

What are the treatment methods, efficacy and side effects?

If there is an underlying cause in the treatment, it should be eliminated first. We use some drugs called antiarrhythmics. It is a specialty to decide which drug is used in which patient and how long the treatment will be continued. Drugs are usually suppression therapy. Side effects are usually severe, so they should be monitored closely. Electrophysiological methods are more effective in the treatment of some rhythm disorders.

What is the importance of electrophysiological methods in the treatment of arrhythmia?

Electrophysiological study and RF catheter ablation in the treatment of arrhythmia usually frees the patient from chronic drug use. This treatment has no significant side effects. Treatment is completed in the electrophysiology laboratory and in average 1-2 hours. The patient returns to normal life the next day.

How are pacemakers and defibrillators (ICD) used and how do they affect patients' quality of life?

Pacemakers are generally used in the treatment of "bradyarrhythmias", ie in cases of excessive slowing of the heart rhythm or development of cardiac block. If bradyarrhythmias are not due to a temporary cause, they usually do not benefit from drug treatment and a pacemaker is required. Some tachyarrhythmias (such as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation) do not respond to medication. RF ablation of some is also not possible. Cardiac defibrillators should be implanted in these patients. These devices are similar to pacemakers, but give life by shock energy by terminating the life-threatening rhythm to normal.

What determines the quality of pacemaker, ICD and electro physiological applications?

The quality of the process is determined by a good equipment, a well-trained electrophysiology specialist and a well-trained center. Rhythm disorder is one of the most complex subjects in cardiology. The arrhythmologist should be very patient, very careful long-term.


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